Yesterday went blending at one of the cafe at buona vista.
Played boardgames ;D
Alot of boardgames available, coooooool.
had jungerspeed with the sisters then monopoly with Tiffany and Kaiwen,
Damn chim , dont know what it talking -.-
Ate then train down to J8.

We laughed like death luh.

Then trained to redhill for vitual prayer meeting for next year.
Busy typing newyear message and guess what?
Singtel's jam. -.-.-
Kept resendresend but need to waitwaitwait.
Stupid Tiffany alr sent all and stupid Yangyang alr sent half of his friends.
Me one also cnt can?!!
Waited for 1 plus then send.
& Abriel tay told me i send him alot new year messages -.-.-
Then i realise all the waiting message which i didn't stop were all sent -.-.-.-
Tomorrow school's open, _l_.
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