Friday, March 20, 2009

Tomorrow Mr's coming back to Sg alr!
I miss her alot lot manszczxczxczxc.

Tell you all the truth:

Those previous posts of Mr updating her blog is, in actual truth, MOI.
HAHAHHAH, got all of you tricked, didn't i?
LOL, all the tags replies were me too, ha.
Shall not reply for her alr, so she come back got tags reply to:DDDDD
All the posts were up to my own imagination and the paper Leen gave me of their agenda, hahah.
I don't actually know how their trip went-.-
All those were rubbish, wait she come back then update you all on the real stuff:)

Last but not least, who am i?

I know you all know alr lah; of course the v brilliant, amazing, wonderful, magnificent, marvelous, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, all inspiring and v aptly named Kzy.

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