
seoul garden:D

didn't post for a long time le.
went to hall to collect our cool jackets{:
hop on to the bus and there we go to try the competition tramp.
the tramp was a little soft while hard ???
idk how to describe ;X
first two tries , i had two soft legs! one on first try and other on second try.
and it happened at the same postition-.-
worried that during competition, my soft legs will happen again :(
trained for competition for the last time at hall after assembly{:
went to eat at canteen after that,
changed and hop on the bus and there we go to the competition.
my heart just can't stop beating !
competiton was located at NUS :D
did warm ups and lotsa thingy,
ohya! the dreaming thingy makes me wanna sleep -.-
in the end we got 4th :(
anyway, its not our fault, its the bias judge1 and judge3 fault!
WTH , what's their problems man!
went mr prata after that,
ate two plain prata and drank orange juice,its sweettttt,i like it (:
i don't wanna go back to schooooool :(
celebrated our victory at seoul garden :DD
C'girls ate for 3 hours + !
after that went shopping with davina .
played lego and went artfriend{:
went tution with eileen!
after that went footbath and went amk hub with eileen and tiffany !
me and eileen bought a dress :D
went meeting at huiling's house with tiffany and said goodbye to eileen .
had mac griddles with tiffany and yang .
the cakes that replaced the bread is simply yucky ,
its taste like hotcakes with syrup -.-
and the whole burger taste like it just not meant to be together !
i took out the cakes and just ate the sausage and egg,guess what ?
it taste way better !
haha, i prefer the bread man !
trust me , don't ever try it man !
went Lord's table meeting {:
after that, went taka and fareast with tiffany !
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