last day of school!;DD
chinese new year is getting nearer and nearer! ;p
took pictures in class today!
andand eileen gave me a rose for valentine!<3
so sweeeeet uh ?
after school,dunno if i should go gym or not-.-
charlene quit neh! D;
sadsad cann!
dunno weather if i should quit or not,
cos i can't torlerate jian lian !:X
then finally decided to go gym{:
today's gym is damn funfunfun!
its the funnest gym i ever went to!:DDDDDD
mr quek is funny today!
jiaolian was in a good mood:O
every C'girls and boys had to jump one routine for mr quek,
then it was like damn funny:DD
before we jump we had to greet right ?
almost everyone of us can't do a proper one ;DDDD
espeically ruiyuan!
he's like a jelly!
so when he greet like he anyhow do like that;D
then mr quek demostrated how ruiyuan greet !
damndamndamndamn funnyyyy i tell you! ;DDDDDDDDDD
everyone was like laughing like siao!
this is the most not nervous "test" i ever went throught !
and i can manage to jump a nicer routine then anyother test i had went throught!
then me, davina, kaixin,jiajun and pearline went canteen to eat[:
we were like keep on pushing one to another face to face so that they may give away their first kiss!
i even pushed davina to cyrus!but they never kiss-.-
then cheryl and dillon came :DD
target appeared!
davina pushed cheryl and dillon together!
fail again !
never kiss-.-
went back to hall:D
then we started pushing and pushing[:
davina told dillon is i told her to push them-.-
then dillon said, "later you die."
then i thought dillon gonna push me then i ducked .
guess what ?
i knocked down mr quek's sasi light on the floor! ;DDDD
damn funny!
davina they all help me block while i faster wraped the spilted sasi light;D
then kaixin faster pour the remain sasi from the can to the cup cos i split much of it:D
then bernice called [:
i never wanna thought of quitting gym again.
i never thought that gym would be that fun.
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