saw this in Tiffany's blog! (:
A for Annabel
1 Do you love this person ? Yes:D
2 Is this person your enemy ? No -.-
3 Would you kiss this person ? Why not ?
B for Binghui
1 What do you really think of this person ? Easy going.
2 Whatís his / her favourite colour ? i don't know.
3 Ever dance with him / her before ? No, -.-
C for Celine Goh
1 Do you have a crush on this person ? Nahh.
2 Have you ever had a crush on him / her ? No. Never will I.
3 How old is she ? 13.
D for Davina
1 How long have you known him / her ? Since Sec one:D
2 Biggest regret ? No idea.
3 Do you hate this person ? No(:
E for Elvin
1 Have you met his/her parents ? Yes, only his mom.
2 Worst thing about this person ? 10 year old de xiao meimei also stead ~.~
3 Best thing about this person ? Friendly.
F for Felicia
1 Have you ever dated this person ? No.
2 When is the next time you will see him/her ? Hmmm .. don't know.
3 Do you go to school with them ? Nope.
G for Gabriel Lim
1 Is he/she a good listener ? Don't know, don't care. Better not to know. :x
2 Have you ever lied to make this person feel better ? No, don't usually talk to him
3 Is this person good looking ? eh, don't think so.
H for Hannah Oh
1 What grade is he/she in ? Secondary 1.
2 Is he/she your friend ? Of cause.
3 Ever done something illegal with this person ? don't think so.
I for Isabelle
1 What is this personís favourite food ? Don't know. Never see her eating before.
2 How did you meet this person ? By chalet.
3 Do you trust her ? maybe?
J for Justin Tan
1 Does he have any siblings ? No.
2 Do you know his favourite song ? Nah.
3 What would you do if he confessed he liked you? go jump the building.
K for Kaixin
1 When you two first met ? Last year.
2 How did you meet ? Gym(:
3 Ever danced with this person ? No.
L for Lokyan
1 What would you do if you had a crush on this person ? Never will it happen. Hahahaha.
2 Do you like him/her as a friend ? Yes. (:
3 Would you go to Disney World with this person ? Why not? hahaha.
M for MaYuan
1 Is this person older than you ? Yar.
2 Is this person single ? I don't know. I think so.
3 How many times do you talk to her/him in a week ? 3/4.
N for Nicholas
1 Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend ? No!
2 Have you seen this person cry ? Nope.
3 Do you know this personís middle name ? er, Don't know, lol.
O for no one
1 Are you related ?
2 Could you live with this person?
3 What school does he/she go to ?
P for Pearline
1 Have you ever been to the mall with this person ? Yar.
2 How about a sleepover with her ? why not?
3 Does this person have a job ? Her job is to study! (:
Q for no one.
1 Does this person drink alcohol ?
2 Have you seen this person dance ?
3 Who does he/she like now ?
R for Raj
1 Have you heard this person sing ? yeah. Pokemon song -.-
2 Do you think this person will repost this ? Nope, I don't think he has a blog either.
3 When does this person look best ? not sure, hah.
S for Sean
1 Is this person taller than you ? Ya!
2 Do you enjoy spending time with him/her ? when he let me copy chinese,LOL.
3 Do they live close to you ? Nope.
T for Tiffany
1 Would you do anything for him/her ? Yeah.
2 Have you been to his/her house ? Yar.
3 Where does she live ? Bishan.
U for no one.
1 Is this person in a relationship ?
2 When is the last time you saw him / her ?
3 What colour hair does this person have ?
V for Vannessa
1 Does she have a crush on you ? No -.-
2 Would you hug this person ? I don't mind.
3 Is this person your friend ? Yar.
W for Wenyang
1 Is this person loud or quiet ? LOUD.
2 Describe this person . Made from china.
3 What colour eyes does this person have ? Brown?
X for Xue ni
1 Why are you friends with him / her ? At cake shop,she's one of the workers(:
2 Have you ever gone anywhere with them ? Yar.
3 What is one thing you would change about them ? I don't know?
Y for YingLi
1 Does this person wear make-up ? At times, yes.
2 Does this person play any instruments ? I don't know, don't think so.
3 What is their favourite sport ? Bowling?
Z for Ziyi
1 Does this person have MSN ? The?
2 Have you went out with her ? Yes, most of the time (:
3 When will you see this person next ? This monday!