guess cool or carrot is me ??
(click it for zooming xD )
today four periods of english -.-
one word : SUCK.
ziyi was bored and she sighed infront of teng , LLOL.
teng pointed out ziyi and asked her why so bored and tired,
then he said " when you tired, you all tend to show it out ? do you know,
one reaction can influence the other ? " -.-
say until he very kelian , ohmy !
then winnie is lying on the table, so he asked winnie also .
annabel was resting on her hand, once again he asked -.-
afterthat guess what ?? i didn't even do anything which showed that i was tired,
he asked me cannnnnnnn ? sibei obvious he's picking on our clique luh .
then he carried on and said " do you know i worked seven days a week ? "
we were like " wow ? our problem meh ? "
maths lesson , me and ziyi were having our conversation , LLOL.
half way through the lesson, there was a loud sound which came from drums, i think,
outside our classroom, and our class can hear sibei clear luh, LOL.
then gan was like talking to the wall , hahahhaha.
cos nobody can hear her .
then raj was like " teacher, i cannot hear you leh ! "
and kept on repeating, LLOL.
then glenn was like " i don't know what the shit you're talking ! "
the class was like alive from gan's evil sleeping spell , HOHOHO.
science lesson, there is one old man walking in our classroom and started sweeping the floor,
like a retarded , LOLOLOLOL !
ziyi and me thought it's a cleaner , hahahahahhaha !!
then that old man started shouting at annabel's boyfriend, sean.
sibei loud like fucking helll ! everybody tio shock luh.
like one retarted come in sweep floor then shouted sibei loud , one word : SIAO.
i bet annabel's heart broken loh, LOL.
afterthat , realised it's a relief teacher -.-
natalie talked and he shouted her to stand up,
then he said " let's share what're you talking just now . "
then she said " he took my pencil box " LLOL.
then he asked the guy to stand up, hahaha.
took pencil box niaaaaaaaaaaa , like that also need to punish ah ?
then glenn was disturbing so he asked him to move his table to the whiteboard,
he started saying " i'm a ex police investigator , blahblahblah "
hahahah, sibei act cannnnnnn , like we scare ,hohoho.
afterschool, went to eat lamen with Chanannabel, Kanziyi, Tanwinnie, Pangdavina and Vannessa.