never post for the longlonglong time le :D
so happy can ?
today was funfunfunfunfunfun like siaoooooo :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
went swensen with eileen,davina,shihui,zandra,daisy,seokyee and serina !
then seokyee and serina went off ,so the rest of us went to daisy house :DDD
swam there wearing daisy's shirt and pant :)
everybody borrowed from her , haha, pity daisy ! LOL
had a few warnings from the guard as we cannot wear shirt and swim.
so we went the basement carpark and playplayplay :)
then continue with the swimming :D
swam for about 45 min ? then got another guard come warn us -.-
wash our hairs at the restrrom near the pool .
had different hairstyle and stuff :DD
me and eileen go and put tissues on all the holes and turn on all the shower heads :D
we put soap also ! to make it flood :DDDDD
and it really works !
with alot alot of bubbles from the soap :X
back to daisy's house and polish our nails :)
watch SHUTTER and its damndamn scary cann !
we scream scream scream like siao okay !
even zandra who dont scream for ghost movies also scream cann ! LOL
after that we throw paper aeroplanes,paper helicopters, tissues and crushed paper out from daisy's BIGBIG window !
we alway see window with the metal thingy outside for safety right ? but hers dont have ! LOL
then the wall until our stomach then the BIGBIG hole , i mean window until the top .
it dont even look like a window , more like a BIGBIG rectangle HOLE :DD
some paper even went down to the pool somemore :DD
and she stays at 17 storeys!
then me , eileen , davina , shihui and zandra went NTUC .
at first we wanna budget , but in the end we budget till we buy some kind of packet noodle .
ask the sample auntie to help us cook , LOL.
then while eating, we walked to toapayoh.
went pass some darkdark street, pass a temple somemore,those darkdark one :XX
damn scary lah ,
and the sky is dark also .
we started scaring ourselves cos we just watch shutter .
homed . shall post some pictures tomorrow , its with daisy they all , idk :X