See the hamster in his hand, LOLOLOL.

Meet up with Tiffany at Tpy central then had duck rice & icekachang at Koufu.
Afterthat pei Tiffany do her facial.
Trained down to Woodlands and went Celine's house, din't went in as B.lac is waiting downstairs le.
Saw nazarath inside, damn cuteeeeee :/
B.lac drove us to B.vincent's house de basketball court, had activity there, but din't play.
camwhored and slack there.
Vvvvvv hungry , wanted to eat de, but because of somebody, we din't go and eat.
& we had to wait hours for the love feast.

After their activity, went up to B.vincent's place and meeting started,break groups and open sharing.
Everybody must share cans, -.-!
Last saturday i shared, today also share, see i so holyyyyyyyy *winkwink.
Me and Tiffany shared a verse only, as we're reading that time we say wrong words,
is romans 6:
3, we read till 6:
4, hahahahha, then we kept laughing cans, kept pausing.
Then tiffany say wrong word again, then laughlaughlaugh then i pulled my vein can?!
LOLOLOLOLOLOL! A little pain, but make me laugh more la, everybody staring at us,Lol.
Had love feast, then went J8 to shop and ate sharkfin at basement then subway for cookies.
talktalktalk, then takeaway $1 coke form Mac. Yi bian walk to Bus interchange yi bian drink.
We played gaggle coke, hahahah.
Kept laughing when gagling, make me pour out all the coke from my mouth, like 2-3 times la. :/
Then homed.
Maybe I just thought I had you here,
I thought that you would not go anywhere,
I abused my position and I didn't care,
And now that you no longer turn to me,
And it seems that you got over me,
I can hardly breathe,
You no longer need me.
I super miss you now, faster come back please :'(